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Open Language Archives Data Visualisation

The Open Language Archives Community is an international partnership of institutions and individuals who are creating a worldwide virtual library of language resources. Sometimes you get a project that's just perfect. One where the task is challenging but you have full freedom to design a creative solution. This is one of those. The brief: Produce a visualisation of the data at the OLAC website.


  • The site is a combination of a backend data harvester written in JS and a VueJS SPA.
  • The harvester is run periodically (cron) and it starts by harvesting the area data files and then walking the links from there.
  • All of the data on that site is in HTML pages so the harvester uses XPATH to select the content it wants.
  • When it's done harvesting it creates a set of JSON index files that are then made available to the webserver.
  • Then, mounting the repository into a known location of the webserver, the VueJS just loads what it needs as it needs it. And there's no API needed.