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Nyingarn Platform

The Nyingarn Platform consists of a Workspace and Repository to make manuscript sources of Australian Indigenous Languages available as searchable and reusable text documents to support language revitalisation.


The workspace enables users to:

  • create items representing a manuscript or part of a manuscript;
  • upload images of each manuscript page for automated text extraction using AWS Textract;
  • supports multi file upload using the TUS upload protocol direct to S3;
  • upload pre created manuscript transcriptions as Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) documents or from DigiVol;
  • edit the transcriptions using a GUI TEI editor;
  • automate the processing of input images into thumbnails and web formats;
  • write detailed JSON-LD metadata using the embeddable describo editor.

The repository enables user to:

  • find content by searching by language, content and location;
  • view manuscript metadata;
  • view manuscript images.


  • The Nyingarn Workspace and Repository applications are VueJS SPAs with a shared NodeJS/Fastify API backend.
  • Nyingarn uses the Describo VueJS Component as the metadata editor.
  • The API container is designed to be horizontally scalable by submitting processing jobs to a Rabbit Message Queue.
  • The Task runner container is also a NodeJS application that connects to the queue directly and processes jobs sequentially in a FIFO fashion. This container is also horizontally scalable.

The platform consists of a number of docker containers that call out to AWS services where required.

In the current deployment, the services all run on a single virtual machine. However, it can easily be transitioned to a cloud native application running under Kubernetes as load dictates.