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Modern PARADISEC is a demonstrator developed in 2019 to see how a modern interface might work on top of the PARADISEC collection when the metadata is written out as Research Object Crates.

Modern PARADISEC uses an Oxford Common File Layout on the backend storage and the data is stored as Research Object Crates.


This demonstrator was funded by a small project grant from the ARDC in 2019. The demonstrator comprises a few parts, including:

  • An exporter that reflected the MySQL database structure and wrote out the metadata from each tem as an RO-Crate. This code is not open so can't be linked to.
  • The demonstrator itself which is a VueJS SPA bundled into a docker container. For this demonstrator authentication was not required so there is no API. It works by also mounting the OCFL filesystem into the container in a known location, then, the URL path is transformed into the backend storage path per request.
  • The final component is the tooling to walk the OCFL filesystem and populate the elastic search index.